Reinforcing Bar
Reinforcing Bar
Mechanical Properties

Reinforcing Bar

Products>Reinforcing Bar>Mechanical Properties
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Reinforcing Bar

HANSCO products are produced with the latest equipment and superior technologies. Even a small product is strictly controlled for the production of products demanded by customers. In the case of high-strength reinforcing bar such as SD400, SD500, and SD600 among our manufactured products, we produce reinforcing bar with superior quality by forming a hardened layer through a rapid cooling process on the surface with water cooling (TEMPCORE) reinforcing bar production method. In addition, we are manufacturing products with various specifications and sizes including special reinforcing bar and seismic proof reinforcing bar according to the rising demand for high-strength seismic proof reinforcing bar. We will continuously respond to the demands of our consumers through constant research & development.

Mechanical Properties

기계적성질에 대한 정보
Symbol of Type Yield Point or Yield Strength
Tensile Strength(1)
Tensile Specimen Elongation(2)
Bending Properties
Bending Angle Internal Radius
SD300 300 ∼ 420 Over 1.15 times the yield strength No.2 Over 16 180° Below D16 :
2 times the nominal diameter

Over D16, Below D22 :
2.5 times the nominal diameter

Over D22, Below D29 :
3 times the nominal diameter

Over D29, Below D38 :
4 times the nominal diameter

Over D38 :
5 times the nominal diameter
No.3 Over 18
SD400 400 ∼ 520 Over 1.15 times the yield strength No.2 Over 16 180°
No.3 Over 18
SD500 500 ∼ 650 Over 1.08 times the yield strength No.2 Over 16 135°
No.3 Over 18
SD600 600 ∼ 780 Over 1.08 times the yield strength No.2 16 90°
No.3 Over 18
SD700 700 ∼ 910 Over 1.08 times the yield strength No.2 Over 16 90°
No.3 Over 18
SD400 W 400 ∼ 520 Over 1.15 times the yield strength No.2 Over 16 180°
No.3 Over 18
SD500 W 500 ∼ 650 Over 1.15 times the yield strength No.2 Over 16 180°
No.3 Over 18
SD400 S 400 ∼ 520 Over 1.25 times the yield strength No.2 Over 16 180°
No.3 Over 18
SD500 S 500 ∼ 620 Over 1.25 times the yield strength No.No.2 Over 16 180°
No.3 Over 18
SD600 S 600 ∼ 720 Over 1.25 times the yield strength No.2 Over 16 90°
No.3 Over 18
SD700 S 700 ~ 820 Over 1.25 times the yield strength No.2 Over 16 90°
No.3 Over 18

(1) Tensile strength is the ratio of actually measured yield strength, which must be over the stipulated ratio.

(2) Regarding the dimension exceeding D32 among deformed bars, subtract 2 from the value of elongation percentage in the table every time the designation name 3 increases. However, the limit of subtraction shall be 4.