Financial Information
Investment Information
Financial Information
Income Statement

Financial Information

We maximize corporate value with transparent management.
This is the information on our management performance for the past 3 years.

Comprehensive Income Statement

(Unit : 100 mil. Won)

Other comprehensive income
(after tax)[20][3][1]
포괄손익계산서에 대한 정보
Title 2023 2022 2021
Sales 7,057 7,777 7,039
Sales cost 6,179 6,749 5,822
Sales cost 878 1,028 1,217
Selling and administrative expense
and logistics cost
235 220 218
Operating profit 643 808 999
Other revenues 42 92 72
Other costs 148 208 2
Financial income 245 118 92
Financial expense - 79 38
Net income before income tax expense 782 731 1,123
Income tax expense 168 256 289
Current net income 614 475 834
Other comprehensive income
(after tax)
4 3 (41)
Total comprehensive income 618 478 793